Every year our church participates in Operation: Christmas Child. It is an opportunity to share both the love of Christ and to give children who may be less fortunate than us some basic necessities and some fun stuff, too! We are filling 100 shoe boxes as a church.
Currently our needs are:
Items for older girls (pre-teen to teen)
6 soccer hand pumps
Hair accessories such as combs, brushes, small mirrors, elastics, etc
Small toys or other objects that entertain or educate
Hard candy (gummy candy is ok, liquids are not)
Personal hygiene items
We have met our goal for toothbrushes, pencils, and other necessities. Each box costs us $10 to send so if you feel called to donate for that cause we would greatly appreciate it!
Friday November 18th will be the shoebox wrapping party. This will be at the church and being at 1:00pm and go on indefinitely (until they are done!). Feel free to bring a snack to share! You don't have to show up at 1:00 exactly.
Email us for any questions.